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지난영화제/제 14회 제주여성영화제

제 14회 제주여성영화제 섹션 / The 14th Jeju Women's Film Festival Section

by JJWFF 2013. 8. 22.

14회 제주여성영화제/ The 14th Jeju Women's Film Festival


 주제:  여성, 어깨를 맞대고 나서다

Theme: Women, Standing Shoulder to Shoulder


섹션1. 익숙한 낯섦

/ Section 1. Familiar Strangeness

성폭력, 가정폭력, 자본의 폭력, 문화와 종교적 억압에 관계된 영화들로 절대 익숙할 수 없는 상황을 드러내며 이를 극복해가고 치유해가는 이야기들

In this section, you can see movies that deal with sexual, domestic and capitalistic violence as well as cultural and religious oppressions. All these films reveal situations that we are familiar with yet cannot and should not get accustomed to and ultimately offer an overcoming of the problems and perhaps a healing process.


섹션2. 여성, 길을 나서다

/ Section 2. Women Venturing Out

흔들리며 성장해 나가는 여성들의 이야기

Stories of women who go through conflicts and difficult times but reach a higher level of maturity as a consequence.  


섹션3. 소수자의 눈으로 바라본 세상

/ Section 3. Looking at the World through the Eyes of the Minority

성소수자와 이주여성들이 적극적으로 삶을 살아가는 이야기

Stories of sexual minorities and migrant women actively seeking out solutions in their lives.


섹션4. 올해의 특별섹션: 세상을 개척해 나간 여성들

/ Section 4. This Year's Special Section : Women Pioneers

진취적 여성, 여성영웅 변천사, 여성공동체 실험에 관한 주목할 만한 이야기

This is a section where stories of progressive women are told and includes narratives of historically heroic women, as well as notable experiments of women communities.


섹션5. 비경쟁공모작: 비경쟁공모에 선정된 4편의 영화들

/ Section 5. Non-Competitive Entries : 4 Films

비경쟁 공모에 선정된 4편의 영화들

4 films that have been selected through a screening process carried out by the film committee.


섹션6. 남자, 여자를 말하다

/ Section 6. Welcome Male Directors!

남성감독들이 만든 여성영화  Feministic movies made by male directors.