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지난영화제/제 14회 제주여성영화제

제 14회 제주여성영화제 네번째, 찾아가는 여성영화- 이호테우해변<밤의 이야기> 상영

by JJWFF 2013. 7. 3.

 14회 제주여성영화제 네번째, 찾아가는 여성영화 이호테우해변<밤의 이야기> 상영

 _ Jeju Weekly



As part of the promotional movie screenings for the Jeju Women's Film Festival

to be held on September 26 - 29,

French animator Michel Ocelot's "Tales of the Night" (Les Contes De La Nuit)

will be screened at Iho Beach on July 27 (Sat) after dark.

All are welcome and admission is free.

This is a rare chance to see a beautifully crafted movie on the summer beach.

The film will have French dialog with Korean subtitles,

English storyline to be provided.

Korean and English subtitles are not possible simultaneously,

but it's a simple enough animation consisting of six short stories

and English storylines for all six will be provided.

What: Michel Ocelot's "Tales of the Night" screening

Where: Iho Taewoo Beach

When: July 27 (screening will begin after dark)

Fee: free.

