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지난영화제/제 14회 제주여성영화제

The 14th Jeju Women's Film Festival_Film Schedule

by JJWFF 2013. 8. 22.

The 14th Jeju Women's Film Festival_Film Schedule


*The schedule may change depending on circumstances.



1st Period: 10:30 a.m.

2nd Period: 2 p.m.

3rd Period: 4:30 p.m.

4th Period: 7 p.m.

5th Period: 9 p.m.




․ A Balloon for Allah(58mins)

․ Wonder Women! The Untold Stories of American Superheroines (62mins)

․ The Golden Child (86mins)

․ Chunjung (29mins)

Opening Ceremony (7:30 p.m.)

Opening Film

- Nora Noh (95 mins)



․ After Ucok (79mins)

․ A Pinch of Skin (27mins)


* Non-competitive Entries

․ Interview (20mins)

․ Beyond the Dark (23:34)

․ Painkiller (20:42)

․ Cultivating Happiness (27:33)

- Introducing the Directors

My, No-Mercy Home(77mins)

Conversation with the Director

․ Salma(90mins)

․ When I Wake(10mins)




․ Invisible (90mins)




․ Miss Cherry's Love Puzzle (98mins)

‧ She is My Best Friend (13mins)

․ My Father's E-mails (89mins)G

- Nora Noh (95 mins)

Conversation with the Director

․ Lucy vs the Limits of Voice (10mins)

․ Wonder Women! The Untold Stories of American Superheroines (62mins)

․ The Maiden and the Princess (18mins)


․ Take this Waltz (116mins)R



<10:30 Showing>

․ Invisible (90mins)






․ Lesbiana- A Parallel Revolution (63mins)

․ The Maiden and the Princess (18mins)

․ Two Girls Against the Rain



․ My Place (77mins)

․ You are more than beautiful (25mins)

․ The Empire of Shame (100mins)


<12:10 Showing>

․ Partners in Crime (94mins)